Saturday, December 27, 2008

True Friend

Wasn't planning on putting all these on tonight but I'm on a roll and what the heck, I have time. This next one was written for a good friend who was a para in my classroom. She became a good friend and confidant. Somewhere along the way things got messed up and our friendship fell apart. I missed her and what she brought to my classroom. It's a long story and really not one to share details on but we spent a year and a half without talking or communicating. I'm happy to say we have found forgiveness, grace, and healing in our friendship.Thanks be to God! It happened through tough circumstances but she is still a trusted friend and I believe I am that for her as well. We sometimes take for granted what our friends mean to us and how blessed we truly are. I have sometimes felt guilty about being so blessed with friends but it is with a grateful heart that I praise God for all those he has surrounded me with. AB it's good to have you back, may you continue to seek God's will and direction for your life and may He use me to help you along the way.

True Friend

A real, true friend is hard to find
One who listens and is kind
They take the time to show they care
And sometimes it's just being there

In my life I've had a hard time
To keep a friend that's so sublime
I always manage to build walls
A friendship then crumbles and falls

You no longer look in my eye
Or stop to say your radiant hi
I miss these subtle things you do
Friends like you are far too few

To say I'm sorry isn't enough
Actions unselfish can be tough
Forgive, move on is all my hope
I'll give you both sides of my rope

Promise I'll listen even more
And give you space from land to shore
So walls are broken down again
I then can be a real, true friend


Shell Candle said...

Lots of heart, Endo. The pain, grieving, regret and hope all come through. Mmmm.

Unknown said...

Thanks Michele. I appreciate you sharing.