Saturday, December 27, 2008

Misplaced Trust

This shorty is not one of my favorites in style any way. Another experimenting with poetry styles thing but I think it was a swing and a miss. Hey, got to share my bad stuff too if I'm truly transparent. This poem comes from my own struggles to deal with life's dilemmas with things of this world. It never works for me. When I lose my focus on my Creator I am truly lost. Happens way too often, I guess I am a slow learner. Trust is a tricky thing. I tend to fall on the side of trusting everyone instead of being a cautious person. This sometimes gets you burned but I think I have been blessed far more than burned by this blind trust. However, when I trust in the One who made me, it is truly amazing how much peace there is. So why do I fail to do this so often?

Misplaced Trust

Misplaced trust in cerebral things
Seeking answers
In values and people temporal

Found faith in communal things
Asking questions
In Your love and in all eternal

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