Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Trust it Will Not Fade

I wrote this poem the past couple of days. I have been listening and reading many comments from friends who are quite concerned about our world and fear it is all going to hell. They are worried about our government and disagree with the lack of religious beliefs being reflected in policies and legislation. I don't want this to become a political debate really. This is more reflection on the paradox of wanting faith to be reflected in our political realm but not really wanting faith to impact our personal realm. I don't necessarily agree with my friends on their politics but that is okay. I have no problem having discourse on the issues that exist and maybe having to agree to disagree. That's healthy in my mind. I don't have all the answers and don't understand it all. I also don't want to discount the concerns that exist in our society and world. They are very real and need our actions and prayers. I hope this at least gets you to think, question, wonder, pray. My personal growth area is to move beyond words to action. I'm pretty damn good with words but without action, really what is it worth. We seem to forget that Easter and all its promises are still here. Yes, concern for others and the world around is valid but we must never forget that our God is bigger than all of this. Not sure about the title but I'll go with it anyway. If you have suggestions or comments I'd love to hear them.

Trust it Will Not Fade
The plights are all around us
Doubters still preside
Many reasons to wonder
How far will we slide?

Hear the religious question
They all look for blame
Excuses for no action
Heads all hung in shame

To recognize the problems
Is just fine and good
Without answers or solutions
Couldn't, can't be could

Look to laws to legislate
Long as it's not me

Don't put my faith in action
Laws can set me free

Limit God is all we do
Promises He made
His plan it is still perfect
Trust it will not fade

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