Monday, May 12, 2008

The Inaugural Blog

Well here goes nothin'! And odds are this will be a lot about nothing. Thanks to my friend Neil David, David Neil has decided to enter into the blogging fray. While I don't have nearly the brilliant thoughts or analytical mind of my friend...I can blab for a long time and cover almost nothing. This intro is a good indicator of that.

It is my hope to share questions, thoughts, observations from the daily joy ride of life. I don't pretend to have all the answers or even any of the answers but lots of questions and thoughts. I also have a few pet peeves that I need to cleanse myself of along the way also. Feel free to share your thoughts, agree or disagree, I can handle it.

My first pet peeve goes out to the cigarette smokers of the world. On my commute each day I lose count of how many cigarette butts get thrown at me (well, not at me) during my drive. This act of littering and disrespect for our planet drives me insane for some reason. I can't pinpoint why it is such a big frustration for me but it is. Same with the butt flickers on the sidewalk, etc. Friday as I was leaving school I saw a parent flick away on the sidewalk coming into school. Please, I beg of all of you, find a trash can. I'm not going to argue the merits of whether you should or shouldn't have the right to smoke. I'm a big believer in freedoms but why is it so difficult to treat your cig trash as trash. Okay, got that out of my system.

As I typed that I realized that some of the thousands of people who will be reading this...(sarcasm)...may not know who I am or my background. I will do a little bio at some point here.

Since we just finished celebrating Mother's Day...I gotta tell you about my wife. She is hands down the best Mom that God has graced this planet with. It would take many a blog to share all of her attributes. Thank God my two daughters have her to guide them, mold them, be compassionate to them, not to mention fix their meals, wash their clothes, and work on all the creative projects that go on endlessly in our home. Esther, thank you for your humble, compassionate soul and for sharing yourself and your amazing talents with me!

Neil David has been sharing much about ego based on a book by Eckard Tolle. We have shared that many of our issues as a society stem from the presence and power of ego. I haven't read the book yet but the discussions are interesting. I must admit that it is very humbling as I realize that my ego has been a big stumbling block for myself. As I face the daunting task of job hunting again this year, it is apparent I need to remove my own ego and selfish wants and succumb to what God is calling and WILL provide for me and my family. Others who were also cut are interviewing this week and I am sincerely excited for their opportunities while also finding myself in a "funk" of self-pity because I have not been called. How easy it is for me to forget who is in charge or better yet WHOM is in charge. While I try and control things to work my way I forget how every time in my life God has provided, guided, and opened doors of opportunity. I need to give it up. My ego, the job concerns, my family concerns, my life...give it up, let it go, trust in the One who died and rose for me and all those around me. I know the right words to say, the discipline to take action or maybe more importantly not take action is the tough part for me.

Thanks for "listening" here. Hey Neil, this blogging thing is quite cathartic. Thanks!


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