Saturday, May 17, 2008

Baseball and People are Interesting Aren't They?

Baseball has long been a favorite of mine. There is something magical about the strategies and thoughts that go into each game that capture you. It has a certain "spirit" to it that cannot be described or defined with words. It transcends the words, moves beyond the game itself. Yes, it is just sports and there are certainly far more important topics to discuss in this world. I don't idolize or worship the sport. I can't say I even lose myself in the game to escape my reality. (In fact, I like my reality and see no need to escape.) I enjoy the game, especially with my friends and relatives who are somewhat passionate about the game. Rachel, my oldest, has become a fan and it is one of those wonderful father/daughter moments when we watch a game together. Nothing really has to be said, we just experience it together.

Not sure why I wrote this but one of my "baseball buds" commented on a blog below and I got thinking about how much I enjoy and look forward to our baseball trips. As time goes on and if this blog goes on, I have a feeling that baseball will be a topic again.

One of the fun parts of sitting in a ball park is people watching. Baseball brings together quite an eclectic group of people. It is quite interesting to watch people run the gamut of intensity and emotion during a game. Some take it as a life and death proposition while others see it as a nice social outing or a chance for a nice tan. (Unless you are in the dome of course.) There are those two extremes and everything in between. I'm sure most of us fit somewhere between but it is fun to see all ages, genders, races, and income levels fall into all these categories.

It is not just at the ball park that people are interesting...we had our Track and Field day on Wednesday this past week at school. My fellow blogger Neerdmans told me it was fascinating to study the parents at this event. He couldn't have been more spot on. You could find the same range of people at this event as you could any baseball game. There were the parents that were just thrilled to have a nice day to be with their child and it ranged all the way to those who thought their children were competing at the Beijing Olympics. Must admit I don't get all of that but interesting to observe. All in all, it was a great, fun day with perfect weather. I'm thankful I had the opportunity to participate in an Oxbow Track and Field Day.


Erik said...

I believe people watching at the ballpark is entertaining, but enhanced all the more when one captures images of those people photographically without their permission!


Unknown said...

I thought of that when I wrote that...too funny!