Monday, May 12, 2008


Just got home from the world's longest choir and band concert. It was very good but VERY long. Anyway, here goes a quick thought.

Freedom is a word that has been bantered about a lot with the war in Iraq, the Declaration of Independence on display at the History Center, and the daily news which covers some story that paints a lot of gray into what is freedom and what is encroachment on other's freedom. I certainly don't have many answers. Questions are easier to come up with here. My sense is that when we tie freedom to tangible and/or material things we miss the point. Freedom cannot be measured or given a monetary value. It is intrinsic and infinite in some ways I think. I don't know if we ever truly experience freedom. We are all bound by expectations that we put on ourselves and that our society places upon us. I was listening to an interview with a man who has studied the history of the Declaration of Independence. Very interesting to say the least. I want to study more about the trials and tribulations our founding fathers faced in making a declaration for our freedom. They literally had a bounty placed upon them by the King of Britain. It is hard to fathom risking your life for writing a document. They didn't have guns or knives to threaten the British with, no it was a pen but a mighty pen it was. Their words expressed what they envisioned true freedom being. It is interesting to me that in a state where we struggle with how to deal with documents that are "just pieces of paper" while dealing with the treaties with the Native Americans, we have no problem fully buying into the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, etc. Sorry I digressed there, just remember hearing someone complain about the treaty thing using the argument that it is just an old piece of paper. That is probably a topic for another day.

So freedom, we live in a country founded on that principle. However, I believe true freedom goes back long before 1776. Can we really experience freedom without the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross all those years ago? I don't think so. Of course, being human we may not truly ever experience TOTAL freedom. The paradox of my faith is that I must give up everything to experience that freedom. It is amazing how often I experience the most joy and peace in my life when I lift up my burdens and stresses to my maker. Those gifts that are dearest to me are true gifts which I fortunately had no control over, my wife, my daughters, etc. All gifts from above and keys to survival down below.

The discourse that happens while discussing our freedom in a country and citizenship frame of mind are all worth while. Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to diminish the importance of those conversations. I'm just not sure we will ever have the answers. The Answer may have come in a far different place with a far different outcome.

Well this has turned out not to be brief. Sorry about that. equates with peace for me and peace is another intangible quality. Our perceptions of freedom and peace are, rightfully so, tied with the war in Iraq and other conflicts around the world. My personal freedom and peace has very little to do with those military actions however. It is directly related to my relationship with God. Sometimes I think we think too much about how to bring it about instead of relying on our instinct and heart.

Lord let me bring that sense of peace and freedom to the young people I am fortunate enough to teach each day. They desperately cry for that calm that comes from such examples.

It's late and I'm sure tomorrow morning this will all seem very disjointed and make no sense. I'll try and clarify when I'm more alert. Good night!

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