Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Freedom cont., hypocritically conflicted, other stuff

A couple of thoughts on freedom....

If we are able to freely question and discuss freedom aren't we truly free in the political sense?

There seem to be two freedoms in my last blog, spiritual and political.

On the spiritual freedom, I was listening to Casting Crowns "Lifesong" CD on the way to school today and listened a couple of times to my favorite song on it called "Do you want to be free?" Here's the last few lines of this song:

Do want to be free?
Lift your chains I hold the key
All power of heaven and earth belong to Me

(And the best part the true kicker to all of this. Here is how it ends.)

You are free! You are free!

(Beware, hard driving rock & roll alert!)

There it is...all we need to know..it has already been gifted to us by His sacrifice and resurrection!

I find as I type these blogs I'm real good at talking the talk through these words but I suck at walking it. My term for this is hypocritically conflicted. I understand the right things to say and know to whom my heart belongs but my actions and spoken words don't always follow that path. Is it okay to have discourse on this and yet know you are a hypocrit in action. A constant struggle for sure and yes, I know, it is part of the human condition but it doesn't mean I have to like it. Reminds me of Keith Green song that says, "But nothing last except the grace of God!" Amen

I know I had other brilliant thoughts but they are gone now.

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