Sunday, April 5, 2009

Beacon of Hope

As I was pondering my last blog on hope, a vision of being up at the North Shore, out on the big lake, lost in the fog. What once seemed hopeless soon became hopeful as the dim light of a lighthouse brought the promise of life. It became an analogy for me for what God has promised to us even in times that seem so bleak. So I wrote this poem, kind of one of those poems that may have more meaning for me as I see it in my mind and relate to it well. Not sure if it will connect with others as well.

Beacon of Hope

The fog is all around
No sign of peace in sight
Turbulent waters crash
Tirelessly pounding down
Hold on in this turmoil
Hope is a distant thought

Vaguely in the distance
A dim reflection seen
Straining eyes to focus
Calming seas steady me
The Lighthouse of Life shines
A Beacon of Hope Reigns

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