Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Blame Game and Problem Seeking

Over the past few weeks this whole concept of blame and moreso why we spend so much time and energy looking for blame has been on my mind. I think we live in a society that devotes an inordinate amount of time on finding blame. Is this human nature or something that we've developed as a society? I'm not sure and actually just asking the question falls into the blame game trap. While it may be important to understand why we are where we are at to fix it, we can't dwell on it without looking for some resolution. Why do we find it so important to find blame and/or seek out problems?

I've noticed for myself that when I first meet people I take note of all that I connect with and their endearing qualities. But as time goes on I start to notice the flaws, the warts if you will of the friend. Maybe we all do this not just with people but situations as well. During my time in studying and learning about homelessness and hunger I have found myself questioning why I put that energy into finding the problems or figuring out who to blame. It is has become an area of personal growth for me to focus on finding solutions and reaching out regardless of blame.

I touched on this before but the Jesus that I worship and try to follow didn't put any qualifications on those he ministered to. He simply cared, healed, loved and ministered to anyone who opened up their hearts and some who didn't. It wasn't an application process, there was no looking for blame or trying to find a scapegoat, it was simply doing what was right because it was right. When we start putting qualifications or judgment on our actions for others it becomes quite hypocritical. Since we all sin and fall short of the glory of God, we could all be judged and left. I'm a competitive person and like being the best at what I do but no matter how hard I try there is always someone better at whatever that skill or talent may be. If we really look at it we can all fall short compared to someone, somewhere. It is fruitless to beat myself up because there is someone better out there. When I change my focus to just doing what is right, doing I'm called to do, suddenly there is freedom and hope in my attitude and outlook for myself and others.

I've been reading comments from those who were not Obama supporters gloating in the lack of success or support he is receiving in recent polls. I know that the same things were being said when Bush or any high profile figure has their public image fall on hard times. I think it is sad that we celebrate the failures or perceived failures of others. Regardless of whether we agree with policy or behaviors of others, we should want them to be successful as that means success for everyone. I am trying to change how I look at these situations. If I disagree with a policy or opinion but the decisions follow those policies, I'm trying to have an attitude that I want them to prove me wrong and hope that their decisions are successful. Instead of waiting for that moment when I can blame those who disagreed, I want the best to happen for all involved.

As I head into my first year as a principal I have put much thought into what kind of leader do I want to be and what kind of school do I want to be a part of. I know very well that it is easy to get disgruntled with students and parents who do not share my values or approach to education. With all that it is my hope that we have a school that gives every student an opportunity to reach their highest potential. We may not be successful, no we will not be successful 100% of the time. There will be those students who we don't connect with or refuse to see the value of what education brings to their life. However, there may be that one surprise that changes a life. I know that if we don't make that effort, that student will not succeed.

I am far from perfect from living this life. It is much easier to say than to do. My challenge to myself and to both of you who read this is to work at not looking for blame but looking for answers. Give those, even those who you think deserve the fate they have in their lives, a chance. Take time to care or make a difference for others without consideration of why they are in this situation but do it just because it is right.

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