Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Paradox of Life

I've been challenged with the many paradoxes of life both personally and more globally. One day a couple of weeks ago I received the news that the 3 yr old son of friends has terminal cancer and very little hope for recovery. The very same day a friend and colleague donated a kidney to her sister-in-law and saved a life. It seems when we look at our life these contradictory stories surround us. Certainly in my faith walk there are stories and struggles that relate to all the paradoxes of the Bible and God's existence. Give up your life to get it, love your enemies, the list is endless in this realm. I need more time to dwell on this and to really reflect on all the pieces of life that fit into this paradigm. I'm guessing almost all of it does. With all of that instability how do we find a solid foundation and remain controlled through it all? How do we seek and accept that wisdom and find the internal peace that provides us perseverance and understanding to remain hopeful? Don't really know to be honest and I don't feel like I'm very successful at attaining those lofty goals. I admire those that are able to live that way and have the self-worth to go confidently forward.

As I was driving to work this morning a poem came to mind that reflected on my own personal paradoxes. It is kind of dark and heavy and would maybe give the impression that I am not happy but that is not the case. I just sometimes find myself in this state of mind and needed to release it so I wrote a poem, yeah, while driving down a very busy highway at an illegal speed, but goes to show you can be stupid, dangerous and reflective at the same time. Isn't multi-tasking a gift? Anyway, here it is in it's original form...which means it might need work but here's what I got so far.

Paradox of Life

Feeling trapped within these walls
They're invisible but still
The boundaries surround me
Created by my own will

The beauty of the sunrise
And the wonders of each soul
Do not go without notice
Yet still this cavernous hole

People all around my life
Friends are abundantly found
With all of this I'm lonely
Seeking a fulfilling sound

There are so many answers
Plenty of pathways exist
The journey still continues
All the questions still persist

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